What are the advantages of roasting my own coffee?

The advantages that our roasters will bring you can be best summarized in a complete and comprehensive quality improvement including distinctive cost benefits. Quality and cost awareness are the main criteria to measure a company’s success in today’s corporate landscape. By the quality factor, a company can distinguish itself from the competitors and, in combination with an economic attitude, ensure a long-term business existence with substantial customer relations.

This exactly is where roasting your own coffee will boost your business! Quality is observed by the customer in two ways: by objectively judging the nature, condition and price of the coffee offered, and by subjectively enjoying the flavor as well as the entire experience surrounding the coffee consumption.Our roasters offer you the option to improve these quality factors. Your customer will notice how delicious his brew is tasting, but does not yet combine this fact with the superior quality of the coffee and the procedure behind this. Only in experiencing the “live” in-store coffee roasting process and smelling the fresh coffee aroma, the consumer’s awareness is fully directed to this very special, superior coffee indulgence.The price of raw coffee, even of high quality beans, is much lower compared to the price of roasted coffee of the same type. Any company roasting their own coffee can therefore buy better coffee at a cheaper price!

These savings can be passed on to the end customer, enabling you to offer better quality coffee at moderate prices while lowering your purchasing expenses at the same time.

In addition to this favorable price-performance ratio optimization, a totally new field of business will open up for you: selling whole coffee beans! Due to the simple handling of our roasters and the option of developing and saving various different roasting recipes yourself, you can develop your own custom blends and roasts. This will pave the way for selling whole coffee beans under your own brand label – freshly roasted right before the customers’ eyes.