Coffee History

No one knows exactly when the coffee plant was really discovered, but it is easy to imagine that healers from Africa used raw or cooked cherries early. Prevailing opinion is that the coffee plant and its effect has been discovered by the distinctive behavior of animals that have eaten coffee cherries.

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Sorts and Regions

Each coffee tastes different. To find out which coffee or coffee blend which one tastes the best, one must - try! A small overview of the various regions and the flavors of the different varieties can help to facilitate the search for "his" coffee.

The Plant

Coffee is a very sensitive plant that grows only in certain areas. Exact planting and care are important for coffee trees grow and fruit tragen.Der botanical name for coffee is Coffea. The coffee plant belongs to the family of Rubiazeen, the Rötegewächsen belong to the 500 genera with about 6,000 species.

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Ingredients and effect

Coffee contains more than 1,000 substances, of which one still not all has chemically decrypted. The proportions vary depending on the type of coffee, growing conditions of the plant and the roasting process. The main ingredients of the coffee bean are carbohydrates, fats, water, proteins, acids, lkaloide (caffeine), minerals and flavorings.

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Making Up

The aroma of coffee is influenced by many factors such as variety / roast of coffee, grind, the dosage, the quality of water and its temperature, its life, storage and of course from the infusion process and the way of preparation.

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